Featured Presentations at recent conferences

HTAi | Cologne, Germany
Building real world control arms for clinical trials

ASCO | Chicago, IL
Medicaid expansion reduces racial disparities in time to cancer treatment

ISPOR | Barcelona, Spain
Discordant Designations of Breakthrough Drug Innovation: France versus the United States

Nobel Laureate | Lindau, Germany
Cost-effectiveness of financial incentives for drug adherence
Abstract Citations
- Coombs LA, Orlando A, Adamson BJS, Griffith SD, Lakhtakia S, Rich A, Shaw P, Wang X, Miksad RA, Mooney K. Prospective validation of a clinical tool developed with machine learning to identify high-risk patients with cancer and reduce emergency department visits. Journal of Clinical Oncology 38 (29_suppl), 254-254.
- Riaz F, Gan G, Li F, Davidoff AJ, Adelson KB, Presley CJ, Adamson BJ, Shaw P, Parikh RB, Mamtani R, Gross CP. The Adoption of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and Patterns of Care at the End of Life. American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2020 Annual Meeting. Poster presentation.
- Doroshow D, Wei W, Gupta S, Zugazagoitia J, Robbins C, Adamson BJS, Rimm D. PD-L1 tumor proportion score and clinical benefit from first-line pembrolizumab in patients with advanced nonsquamous versus squamous NSCLC. American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2020 Annual Meeting. Poster presentation.
- Blakely LJ, Gordon L, Schwartzberg L, Gutman J, Adamson BJ, Bourla AB, Meropol NJ, Ramsey SD, Green RJ. Use of Real World Data to Understand Barriers to Interventional Clinical Trial Enrollment in Community Oncology Clinics. American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2020 Annual Meeting. Poster presentation.
- Stasiw A, Falk S, Garapati S, Sridharma S, Mendelsohn D, Lakhtakia S, Rech A, Oldridge D, Adamson BJ, Chen R. Generalizable Machine Learning Framework for Predictive Modeling of Patient Outcomes Using Oncology Electronic Health Records. Value in Health 23, S74.
- Wang W, Adamson B, Tan K, Baxi S, Briggs A, Ramsey S. Evaluating Long-Term Survival From Clinical Trials: Does Real-World Evidence Change the Paradigm? International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 36(S1), 12-12. doi:10.1017/S026646232000118X.
- Adamson BJS, Cohen AB, Cheever MA, Hooley IJ, Williams E, Tymejczyk O, Peeples M, Hernandez M, Meropol NJ, Uldrick TS. Cancer Immunotherapy Use and Effectiveness in Real-World Patients Living with HIV. NCI International Conference on Malignancies in HIV/AIDS. 21 Oct 2019. Page 38, https://www.cancer.gov/about-nci/organization/oham/hiv-aids-research/oham-research/international-conference/icmaoi-2019.pdf
- Maignan K, Peleg-Azzam S, Adamson B, Parrinello C. Cell of Origin Association with High Body Mass Index and Overall Survival in Patients with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 4123. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2019-129470
- Bennette C, Segal B, Miksad R, Bellomo L, Nussbaum N, Sarkar S, Tucker T, Abernathy A, Adamson B. Building Control Arms For Cancer Clinical Trials From Real-World Data. HTAi 2019 Annual Meeting. 18 June 2019, Cologne.
- Kerrigan K, Haaland B, Adamson B, Patel S, Akerley W. Real World Characterization of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Never Smokers. IASLC 2019 World Conference on Lung Cancer. 8 Sept 2019, Barcelona. Oral Podium Presentation.
- Kerrigan K, Haaland B, Adamson B, Patel S, Akerley W. Real World Survival of Relapsed Compared to De-Novo Stage IV Diagnosis of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. IASLC 2019 World Conference on Lung Cancer. 8 Sept 2019, Barcelona. Poster Presentation.
- Adamson B, Cohen A, Estevez M, Magee K, Williams E, Gross C, Meropol N, Davidoff A. ACA and Medicaid Expansion Impact on Racial Disparity in Time to Cancer Treatment. American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting. Chicago, 1 June 2019. Plenary Session Presentation. Journal of Clinical Oncology, In Press.
- Castellanos E, Hamrick J, Ma X, O’Connell G, Orlando A, Meropol N, Adamson B. Impact of Oncology Care Model (OCM) reporting requirements on quality of care. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 20 May 2019. 37(no. 15_suppl):6620-6620. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2019.37.15_suppl.6620.
- Feld E. Harton J, Meropol NJ, Adamson BJS, Parikh R, Cohen A, Narayan V, Christodouleas JP, Vaughn DJ, Hubbard RA, Mamtani R. Carboplatin-based chemotherapy versus immunotherapy in metastatic urothelial carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology Journal of Clinical Oncology. 26 May 2019. 37(no. 15_supp):e16003-e16003. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2019.37.15_suppl.e16003.
- Hooley I, Cohen A, Gross G, Williams E, Adamson B. Medicaid Expansion and Racial Inequities in Next Generation Sequencing Testing in Oncology. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) International Meeting. May 2019, New Orleans. Poster Presentation.
- Hooley I, Chen R, Long L, Cohen A, Adamson B. Optimization of Natural Language Processing-Supported Comorbidity Classification Algorithms in Electronic Health Records. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) International Meeting. May 2019, New Orleans. Poster Presentation.
- Ambwani G, Cohen A, Estévez M, Singh N, Adamson B, Nussbaum N, Birnbaum B. Machine Learning Model for Cancer Biomarker Identification in Electronic Health Records. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) International Meeting. May 2019, New Orleans. Poster Presentation.
- Parikh R, Galsky M, Gyawali B, Riaz F, Kaumann T, Cohen A, Adamson B, Gross C, Meropol N, Mamtani R. Trends in checkpoint inhibitor therapy for advanced urothelial cell carcinoma (aUC) at the end of life: Insights from real-world practice. Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, no. 7_suppl (March 1 2019) 395-395. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2019.37.7_suppl.395.
- Parikh R, Galsky M, Baxi S, Adamson B, Cohen A, Feld E, Christodouleas J, Boursi SB, Meropol NJ, Mamtani R. Real-world trends in first-line checkpoint inhibitor use in advanced urothelial cell carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, no. 7_suppl (March 1 2019) 392-392.DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2019.37.7_suppl.392.
- Ulrich A, Adamson B, Dimitrov D, De la Grecca R, Wood D, Saldarriaga E, Bansal R, Babigumira J, Cabello R, Sanchez H, Lama J, Duerr A. SABES: A Cost-Effective TasP Intervention to Identify and Treat Recent HIV Infection. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Poster Presentation. Seattle; 4 Mar 2019.
- Sam E, Adamson B, Garrison L. Discordant Designations of Breakthrough Drug Innovation: France versus the United States. ISPOR Europe Annual Meeting. Podium Presentation. Barcelona; 12 Nov 2018.
- Adamson B, Dimitrov D, Barnabas R, Kublin J, Carlson J, Garrison L. Potential Competition Between PrEP and HIV Vaccines in Seattle, WA. HIV Research for Prevention Meeting. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, Vol. 34, No. S1. Poster Presentation. Madrid; 23 Oct 2018.
- Adamson B, Garrison L, El-Sadr W, Donnell D. Incentivizing Adherence with HIV Treatment: Use of Conditional Cash Transfers in Large US Study. American Society of Health Economists Conference. Podium Presentation, Paper 6686. Atlanta; 13 June 2018.
- Hendrix N, Adamson B, Basu A, Devine B. Increasing Trend Toward Reporting Significant Digits in Utility Weights – Behavior Implications of “Flat-of-the-Curve” Medicine? International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 23nd Annual International Meeting. Value in Health. 2018; 21(1): S208-S109. Baltimore; 22 May, 2018. Research Poster Presentation Award Finalist.
- De Montigny S, Adamson B, Masse B, Kublin J, Gilbert P, Dimitrov D. How will ART progress affect the impact of future HIV vaccination in South Africa? 27th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2018). Poster Presentation. Vancouver, BC; 26 April 2018.
- Adamson B, de Montigny S, Masse B, Garrison L, Kublin J, Gilbert P, Dimitrov D. Designing HIV Vaccine Delivery Strategies in South Africa: A Policy Analysis. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Poster Presentation. Boston, March 7, 2018.
- Adamson B, Radich J, Bansal A. An Approach for Developing Agent-Based Microsimulation Models that Incorporate Longitudinal Biomarker Trajectories and Dynamic Decision-Making. Society for Medical Decision Making Annual Meeting. Podium Presentation. Pittsburgh, Oct 2017.
- Adamson B, Radich J, Bansal A. Dynamic Decision-Making with Agent-Based Microsimulation Model and Longitudinal Biomarker Trajectories. Western Pharmacoeconomics Conference. Podium Presentation. Albuquerque, Oct 2017.
- Adamson B. “Incentivizing Drug Adherence: Conditional Cash Transfers for HIV Patients.” Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Podium Presentation. Lindau, Germany, August 22, 2017.
- Adamson B, Lyons N, Chou YT, Gangan N, Cannon-Dang E, Chen C, Law EH. Meaningful Mentorship Associated with Rewarding Short-Term Research Results from an Evaluation of ISPOR Student Experiences. Value in Health 20 (2017) A340.
- Gangan N, Chou YT, Adamson B, Cannon-Dang E, Chen C, Law EH, Lyons N. Assessing Trends of Developing Student Interests Within the ISPOR Student Network: 2011 to 2016. Poster Presentation. International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 22nd Annual International Meeting. Boston, May 2017.
- Adamson B, Donnell D, Dimitrov D, Garrison G, Beauchamp G, Gamble T, El-Sadr W. The Cost-Effectiveness of Financial Incentives for Viral Suppression in HPTN 065. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Poster Presentation. Seattle, 2017.
- Adamson B, Jain R, Garrison L, Lutz B. Smartphone-Enhanced Rapid Influenza Tests: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Annual International Meeting. Poster Presentation, Washington, DC, 2016. Best Poster Finalist.
- Adamson B, Bouthavong M, Kublin J, Garrison L. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Partially Effective HIV Vaccine in San Francisco. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 20th Annual International Meeting, Poster Presentation, Philadelphia, 2015.
- Mann M, Adamson B, Stergachis, A. A Framework for Strengthening Pharmaceutical Manufacturing in Sub-Saharan Africa. Western Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Conference. Poster Presentation, Philadelphia, 2015.
- Adamson B, Bouthavong M, Kublin J, Garrison L. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Partially Effective HIV Vaccine in San Francisco.” Western Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Conference, Poster Presentation, Denver, 2015.
- Adamson B, Hertz T, Duerr A, Morgan C, Keefer M, Churchyard G, Graham B, Gilbert P, Kublin J. Predictors of Immunogenicity in HVTN 204. AIDS Vaccine. Poster Presentation, Barcelona, 2013.
- Adamson B, Fuchs J, Sopher C, Flood D, Johnson RP, Haynes B, Kublin J. Development of an Early Stage Investigator Scholar Program for Preclinical Investigators. AIDS Vaccine. Poster presentation, Barcelona, 2013
- Adamson B, Wakefield S, Flood D, Stoff D, Sopher C, Cook R, Pemberton N, Kublin J, Fuchs J. HVTN Mentored Research Program for Black and Latino/a Medical Students Increases Intent to Pursue a Career in HIV/AIDS Vaccine Research. AIDS Vaccine. Poster Presentation, Barcelona, 2013.