Davis Wright Tremaine Most Innovative Award
Awarded by the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship at the Science and Technology Showcase for co-founding of the SmartDx diagnostic platform for infectious diseases (2017)
Health Innovation Challenge Prototype Funding
Award by the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship to support development of our cloud-connected rapid influenza diagnostic for competition in the Health Innovation Challenge (2016)
Global Innovation eXchange (GIX) Competition Finalist
“Smart Diagnostics” prototype awarded 3rd place in final round of competition in Beijing, China (2016)
Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Pharmaceutical Sciences
American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (2016-2017)
Student Technology Finalist Prize
Massachusetts General Hospital Ambulatory Practice of the Future, sponsored by the Gelfand Family Charitable Trust “Cloud Connected System for Augmenting Existing Rapid Diagnostic Test Performance” (2016)
University of Washington Husky 100 Award
Selected as one of 100 students, among 43,000 students across 3 University of Washington campuses, for capturing the Husky Experience and academic pillars (2016)
AHRQ T32 Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2014-2016)
Reducing Barriers for the Ambitious Scholarship
Dr. Dana Hurley Fund, University of Washington School of Pharmacy (2015 & 2016)
Infectious Disease Modeling Scholarship
Selected on merit for support to attend a 2.5-week Summer Institute in Statistics and Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases at the University of Washington (2015)
NIH Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Trainee Award
University of Washington Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) award to support attending a Summer Institute in Statistics and Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases (2015)